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Third-Party Risk Intelligence
Information & Resources

AR SurveillanceTM for TPRM

The best way to analyze, assess, and monitor the overall viability and health of your
commercial third-party relationships.

Automated Risk Intelligence for Third-Party Risk Management

Is this 90 second video see how AR Surveillance streamlines and automates the process of collecting, analyzing, and presenting information related to the business viability and health of third-party vendors and suppliers.

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AR Surveillance™

An introduction to AR Surveillance and how it provides critical third-party risk intelligence for TPRM programs.


Cybersecurity Rankings 

AR Surveillance provides access to the latest security rankings for nine (9) critical cyber network areas.


ESG Scores 

AR Surveillance provides access to the latest rankings in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) for commercial third-parties.

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Argos Risk is a leading provider of Third-Party Risk
Intelligence (TPRI) solutions. Formed in 2010,
we are experts in providing financial risk management
services to fulfill a need for timely and comprehensive risk mitigation knowledge.